About us

Hendi Center Coloseum Association is a voluntary, non-profit association founded for an indefinite period in order to achieve objectives in the development and improvement of the situation of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society.

The objectives of our Association: improvement of the situation of persons with disabilities, the activities of the enhanced role of persons with disabilities in public life, accessibility audits, promotion of people with disabilities through the organization of cultural and sporting events, seminars and activities for affirmation.

To achieve its goals Hendi Center Koloseum:

  • Organizes the promotion of active living and full civic participation of persons with disabilities and their organizations in Serbia through the traditional film festival BOSIFEST.
  • Organizes central event on the occasion of December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities as well as the event on March 8 with the award of a woman deserving contribution to improving the situation of women with disabilities
  • Through the project activities provides psychosocial support services and personal assistance for people with disabilities
  • Organizes, professional meetings, seminars, round tables, study tours and other forms of education that contributes to the active participation of persons with disabilities, particularly in the areas of culture, sports, accessibility of buildings, transport and tourism.
  • Organize and conduct various types of workshops - through that develop the capacities of persons with disabilities
  • Publishes brochures - the publication of events, projects and workshops organized

The association is through years of work acquired a number of collaborators on projects many of which are representatives of local governments, professional institutions and associations of persons with disabilities.

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