December 3rd - 3th december 2012

03. December 2012. |
The central celebration of the International Day of Disabled Persons was held on 3 December 2012 at the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center, organized by Hendi Center "Coloseum", under the auspices of the City of Belgrade and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities celebrate a series of programs, a crown of this event is attended by all the associations and representatives of socially vulnerable. City of Belgrade in Serbia at the forefront of activities to improve the lives of people with disabilities, from projects registered associations to various benefits. Past practice has been that the competition for these projects are announced once a year and to give them as much courtesy as of next year will announce a tender twice a year - said City Secretary for Social Welfare Nenad Matić.
Hendi Center "Coloseum" Darko Ivic recalled that the situation of persons with disabilities this year primarily improved by setting certain standards and by providing services that they have not been able to obtain.
This is primarily related to the personal assistance, and the work of existing and creation of new day care centers. Two months ago, we have provided 20 mini buses to transport children with disabilities to schools and homes, and early next year will provide a certain number of vans for people with physical disabilities.
In almost all schools attended persons with disabilities we provide ramps and toilets, we purchased equipment for deaf and hard of hearing, and in many places set tactile strips for the blind, but ahead and develop a strategy for action in the next three to four years - said Ivic.
Gold medalist at the Paralympic Games in London Zeljko Dimitrijevic said that this year's done a lot for people with disabilities, but also to be a lot more change as a basis of equality with all all other members of society.
In the rich cultural and artistic program, in addition to artists from the world of music and acting were involved and people with disabilities. The ceremony was attended Deputy Chairman of the City Assembly Zoran Alimpic and City Council member Darko Christmas.

03. December 2016. | Belgrade
3th december 2016
In the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center on December 3, 2016 marked the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

03. December 2015. | Belgrade
3th december 2015
In the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center on December 3, 2015 marked the Day of Persons with Disabilities. International Day of Persons with Disabilities, held under the slogan "For Life without Barriers".
03. December 2013. | Belgrade
3th december 2013
Ceremony to mark the International Day of PWDs in the Sava Center on December 3, 2013

03. December 2012. |
3th december 2012
The central celebration of the International Day of Disabled Persons was held on 3 December 2012 at the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center, organized by Hendi Center "Coloseum", under the auspices of the City of Belgrade and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

03. December 2011. | Belgrade
3th december 2011
In the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center was held the central event marking the International Day of Disabled Persons on 3 December 2011. The organizer was Hendi Center "Coloseum", under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.
03. December 2009. | Belgrade
3th december 2009
On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, on Ada Ciganlija held event called "Sport, culture and people with disabilities", organized by PC "Ada Ciganlija" and organizations Hendi Center Coloseum.
03. December 2008. | Belgrade
3th december 2008
December 3, 2008 held the central ceremony marking the International Day of Disabled Persons