December 3rd - 3th december 2016

Manifestations December 3rd 3th december 2016
3th december 2016

03. December 2016. | Belgrade

In the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center on December 3, 2016 marked the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

- During the work on the project "Belgrade without barriers" we had a direct communication with associations of persons with disabilities, and then we worked on the construction of access ramps. In this way we are breaking down the barriers that people with disabilities are definitely on the way. It is important that every day of the year working to improve the living conditions of persons with disabilities. It is notable that the situation is better than it was three years ago, but the condition is still not ideal. However, when we see how the situation is better than in the past, we are confident that we are on the right track - said City Council member Dragomir Petronijevic.

He added that this year the emphasis was on providing opportunities for persons with disabilities to acquire knowledge and skills, but also to provide them with work.

- Direct communication and we continue to work together to tear down the barriers that still stand in the way people with disabilities. IT sector is one of the fastest growing industries in Serbia, and launched a project that will help 56 people with disabilities receive training in programming. Also, talk with companies and obtain information that would later be to facilitate profiling interest that people with disabilities should be educated and so easier to find a job. Let me remind you that the mayor of Belgrade, Sinisa Mali led the Council to improve the situation of persons with disabilities, and as someone who is part of the Council can confirm that we will try to make the next year provide more jobs for people with disabilities - said Petronijevic.

President Hendi Center Coloseum Darko Ivic said that the cooperation with the City of Belgrade is really good.

- We are gathered on the international day of persons with disabilities in order to commemorate the cultural content, and like every year, we will have representatives of persons with disabilities who are engaged in acting, music or other arts. I think that people with disabilities deserve attention throughout the year - said Ivica.

Deputy Minister for Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy Vladimir Pesic expressed hope that next year will each be able to characterize more successful than the last.

- At these gatherings we try to summarize all that has been done in the previous year. We in the Ministry of Labor, Employment, and Social Issues happy, but it is certain that it can always be better. Everything we do, we do in cooperation with associations of persons with disabilities. Since the legislation we passed the Law on the use of sign language, the Law on Movement with the help of a guide dog, as well as amendments to the Law on the Prevention of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities - said Pesic.




3th december 2016

03. December 2016. | Belgrade

3th december 2016

In the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center on December 3, 2016 marked the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

3th december 2015

03. December 2015. | Belgrade

3th december 2015

In the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center on December 3, 2015 marked the Day of Persons with Disabilities. International Day of Persons with Disabilities, held under the slogan "For Life without Barriers".

03. December 2013. | Belgrade

3th december 2013

Ceremony to mark the International Day of PWDs in the Sava Center on December 3, 2013

3th december  2012

03. December 2012. |

3th december 2012

The central celebration of the International Day of Disabled Persons was held on 3 December 2012 at the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center, organized by Hendi Center "Coloseum", under the auspices of the City of Belgrade and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

3th december 2011

03. December 2011. | Belgrade

3th december 2011

In the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center was held the central event marking the International Day of Disabled Persons on 3 December 2011. The organizer was Hendi Center "Coloseum", under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

03. December 2009. | Belgrade

3th december 2009

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, on Ada Ciganlija held event called "Sport, culture and people with disabilities", organized by PC "Ada Ciganlija" and organizations Hendi Center Coloseum.

03. December 2008. | Belgrade

3th december 2008

December 3, 2008 held the central ceremony marking the International Day of Disabled Persons

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