Culture - Panel People with Disabilities and Culture

23. December 2009. | Belgrade
23 December 2009 organized by Hendi Center Coloseum held "Tribune People with Disabilities and culture". Moderators were actor and educator Marko Stojanović and Darko Ivić President Hendi Center Coloseum.
The idea of panel was the presentation of people with disabilities dealing with acting, painting, literature, dancing, with the intent to promote people the art of the deal.
The forum was held under the auspices of Savski Venac.
On the panel were presented: writer Natasha Orozović, Mr. Duro Sumar, writer and representative of the Union of the Blind of Serbia, released 5 books of the alliance in 2009, Stefan Pantic artist who plays the accordion, Mirjana Marjanović singing soloist, Miodrag Kastratović President of the Serbian Association of dance organizations, the boy Stefan perform choreography, professor of art education at school Stefan of Decani Vladimir Magdenilić, Slobodan Roksandić dean of the Faculty of applied arts, Zoran Marjanovic Secretary Ilija Foundation.
Darko Ivic, President of Hendi Center Coloseum, closing down the debate with displaying images Milos Sadžak from associations Living Upright.

01. October 2011. | Belgrade
Joy of Europe 2011
Topic 42nd meeting "Joy of Europe" of 2011, was the “If trees could walk”, by song title Grigor Vitez.

23. December 2009. | Belgrade
Panel People with Disabilities and Culture
23 December 2009 organized by Hendi Center Coloseum held "Tribune People with Disabilities and culture". Moderators were actor and educator Marko Stojanović and Darko Ivić President Hendi Center Coloseum.