December 3rd - 3th december 2008
03. December 2008. | Belgrade
December 3, 2008 held the central ceremony marking the International Day of Disabled Persons
On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in the "Sava Center", in the presence of Boris Tadic, President of Serbia, Rasim Ljajic, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, and Dragan Djilas, Belgrade mayor held a central ceremony.
Program involved people with disabilities and our famous artists.
- On this day we all have to once again remind you that it is necessary to understand the reality of the other, but not that their lives are taking place around us. Each institution in the world, including Serbia, was founded for the people and it should serve them. I'm president of a country that wants to support all people, but it is not always possible - said Boris Tadic, President of the Republic. Belgrade Mayor Dragan Djilas said that it is very important that each of us another look at what you can do for people with disabilities and that what is said and fulfilled.
- Today we like to leave a traffic light that is not only important for the blind and visually impaired people but also for us. Its sound should remind us that we need to understand that in addition to us, there are people who need our help - said Dragan Djilas. Sponsors of the program were the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, City of Belgrade and the municipality Palilula and organizer Hendi Center Coloseum.

03. December 2016. | Belgrade
3th december 2016
In the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center on December 3, 2016 marked the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

03. December 2015. | Belgrade
3th december 2015
In the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center on December 3, 2015 marked the Day of Persons with Disabilities. International Day of Persons with Disabilities, held under the slogan "For Life without Barriers".
03. December 2013. | Belgrade
3th december 2013
Ceremony to mark the International Day of PWDs in the Sava Center on December 3, 2013

03. December 2012. |
3th december 2012
The central celebration of the International Day of Disabled Persons was held on 3 December 2012 at the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center, organized by Hendi Center "Coloseum", under the auspices of the City of Belgrade and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

03. December 2011. | Belgrade
3th december 2011
In the restaurant "Sava" in Sava Center was held the central event marking the International Day of Disabled Persons on 3 December 2011. The organizer was Hendi Center "Coloseum", under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.
03. December 2009. | Belgrade
3th december 2009
On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, on Ada Ciganlija held event called "Sport, culture and people with disabilities", organized by PC "Ada Ciganlija" and organizations Hendi Center Coloseum.
03. December 2008. | Belgrade
3th december 2008
December 3, 2008 held the central ceremony marking the International Day of Disabled Persons