Bosifest - Bosifest 2014

Manifestations Bosifest Bosifest 2014
Bosifest 2014

02. June 2014. | Belgrade

Fifth Belgrade Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities BOSIFEST 2014 was held from 2nd to 4th june 2014. under the slogan “ The Power of Visual Communication”. Theme is work and life of people with disabilities.

At Youth Center Belgrade 2nd june 2014. was open fifth BOSIFEST oganized by Hendi Center Koloseum. BOSIFEST was opened by Ivan Tasovac, minister of culture and information.

The selector Jelena Gavrilovic from 108 film that festival received from Germany, India, Spain, Italy, Venezuela, Canada, Australia, Iran, Netherland, France, England, USA, Finland, Sweden, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia selected 26 films, 16 in competitive and 10 in non-competitive part.

The members of jury this year are: longtime director of Directorate of international film festival FEST, Milos Paramentic, film critic and journalist of RTS Sandra Perovic and actress Lena Bogdanovic. The selector of the festival is director Jelena Gavrilovic.

The award Grand Prix for the best film went to extraordinary danish film “Balcony tales” by director Helle Windelov- Lidzelius . The award for the best director are equally shared films, “Sonor” by Levin Peter from Germany and “Hapiness…promised land” by Laurent Hasse. The award for the best screenplay went to the canadian film “In memory” by Andrew Moir.

Festival was supported by Tourist Organization of Belgrade, Delta Foundation, The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy, Studio B and Youth Center Belgrade.


Bosifest 2016

01. June 2016. | Belgrade

Bosifest 2016

Seventh Belgrade International Film Festival of people with disabilities "Bosifest 2016" was opened on 01. June 2016. at the Youth Center in Belgrade.

Bosifest 2015

03. June 2015. | Belgrade

Bosifest 2015

Sixth Belgrade International Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities- BOSIFEST 2015. was held from 1th to 3th june at Youth Center Belgrade. The slogan of the festival was “Labirinth of Possibilities”.

Bosifest 2014

02. June 2014. | Belgrade

Bosifest 2014

Fifth Belgrade Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities BOSIFEST 2014 was held from 2nd to 4th june 2014. under the slogan “ The Power of Visual Communication”. Theme is work and life of people with disabilities.

Bosifest in Herceg Novi

02. April 2014. | Herceg Novi

Bosifest in Herceg Novi

In Herceg Novi, from 2nd to 4th april 2014., was held Promotion of films from International Film Festival for and by people with disabilities BOSIFEST which is already five years organized in Belgrade. 

Bosifest 2013

05. June 2013. |

Bosifest 2013

Forth Belgrade Film Festival for and by people with disabilities-BOSIFEST 2013. held from 5th to 7th june in Youth Centre Belgrade, the slogan was “Energy of creativity” and the theme was work and life with people with disability.

Bosifest 2012

20. May 2012. |

Bosifest 2012

Under the slogan “Do not call me special”, at Youth Center Belgrade, held from 21st to 23th may (hall “Americana”) Third International Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities BOSIFEST. The organizator was Hendi Center Koloseum.

Bosifest 2011

21. May 2011. |

Bosifest 2011

BOSIFEST 2011 Second Belgrade Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities, was held from 3th

to 5th June at the Youth Center.

Bosifest 2010

20. May 2010. |

Bosifest 2010

In Dom sindikata was held from 28 to 30 May 2010. First Intenational Film Festival for and by people with disabilities, organized by Hendi Center "Coloseum".

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