Bosifest - Bosifest in Herceg Novi

Manifestations Bosifest Bosifest in Herceg Novi
Bosifest in Herceg Novi

02. April 2014. | Herceg Novi

In Herceg Novi, from 2nd to 4th april 2014., was held Promotion of films from International Film Festival for and by people with disabilities BOSIFEST which is already five years organized in Belgrade. The organisator of the promotion is non-govermental organisation “New chance in New” engaged with problems of persons with disabilities.

With a projection of film “Lucy”, that last eleven minutes, about the autistic girl , and that was awarded in Cannes, started the promotion of seven documentary films of the authors from USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy and Spain.

The promotion, with regards to 2nd april, Day of persons with autism, consists of documentary achivements from Belgrade Film Festival for and by people with disabilities- BOSIFEST . The organizator is non-governmental organization “New chance” from Herceg Novi that has ambition to make regional film festival next year with the BOSIFEST.

“This promotion makes me happy, because of the cooperation of civil sector from Belgrade with our town that is in very delicate, complex and insufficiently treated problems of people with disabilities and also because it aims us with films to understand each other better. “ – said Dejan Mandic, mayor of Herceg Novi, at the opening ceremony.

The selector of the promotion and the director of BOSIFEST, Darko Ivic, believes that it is possible that in Herceg Novi can be founded regional festival for people with disabilities.

“This is a test to see how people react. Main goal of BOSIFEST is to awaken empathy in young people, to return values that everyone lost a little bit. This is the right way to inform young people about problems of people with disabilities through film. It is better to introduce them with the problem through visual approach than on the five or ten grandstands”- said Ivic.

Documentary films with people with disabilities as theme are made very professionaly. They were evaluated by jury Sijan, Golubovic, Mihailovic.

“The idea of BOSIFEST is to interest and non-governmental organizations and also people with disabilities them selves to do films and to make some stories. The piont is that they can not be directors or camermans and they have tro cooperate with the professinals.”- said Ivic.

Guests of the promotion were associations from surroundings, from Metkovic and also kids from Resource Center from Kotor. BOSIFEST is organized by Hendi Centar Koloseum, fifth year in a row.

Bosifest 2016

01. June 2016. | Belgrade

Bosifest 2016

Seventh Belgrade International Film Festival of people with disabilities "Bosifest 2016" was opened on 01. June 2016. at the Youth Center in Belgrade.

Bosifest 2015

03. June 2015. | Belgrade

Bosifest 2015

Sixth Belgrade International Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities- BOSIFEST 2015. was held from 1th to 3th june at Youth Center Belgrade. The slogan of the festival was “Labirinth of Possibilities”.

Bosifest 2014

02. June 2014. | Belgrade

Bosifest 2014

Fifth Belgrade Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities BOSIFEST 2014 was held from 2nd to 4th june 2014. under the slogan “ The Power of Visual Communication”. Theme is work and life of people with disabilities.

Bosifest in Herceg Novi

02. April 2014. | Herceg Novi

Bosifest in Herceg Novi

In Herceg Novi, from 2nd to 4th april 2014., was held Promotion of films from International Film Festival for and by people with disabilities BOSIFEST which is already five years organized in Belgrade. 

Bosifest 2013

05. June 2013. |

Bosifest 2013

Forth Belgrade Film Festival for and by people with disabilities-BOSIFEST 2013. held from 5th to 7th june in Youth Centre Belgrade, the slogan was “Energy of creativity” and the theme was work and life with people with disability.

Bosifest 2012

20. May 2012. |

Bosifest 2012

Under the slogan “Do not call me special”, at Youth Center Belgrade, held from 21st to 23th may (hall “Americana”) Third International Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities BOSIFEST. The organizator was Hendi Center Koloseum.

Bosifest 2011

21. May 2011. |

Bosifest 2011

BOSIFEST 2011 Second Belgrade Film Festival for and by People with Disabilities, was held from 3th

to 5th June at the Youth Center.

Bosifest 2010

20. May 2010. |

Bosifest 2010

In Dom sindikata was held from 28 to 30 May 2010. First Intenational Film Festival for and by people with disabilities, organized by Hendi Center "Coloseum".

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