Interesting facts

Eye-control Empowers People with Disabilities
Tobii Assistive Technology Inc. (ATI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Tobii Technology, is the leading global provider of eye-tracking and gaze interaction-based Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices that help improve the lives of individuals with disabilities by enabling them to communicate, control their environment and gain greater independence through their eyes.

FES Rowing Expands Exercise Possibilities for People with Disabilities
Rowing ergometers are pieces of exercise equipment that accurately measure the work/performance done while putting the body through motions and physical demands similar to that of traditional on-water, competitive rowing.
10 Things The World Can Learn From People With Disabilities
No matter the type of person, there are lessons to be learned from them. People with disabilities are especially influential, as our hardships in life aren’t easily forgotten. We go through every day with determination and strength, which many people are bowled over by, with many secretly wondering if they could do the same thing.
People with a disabilities learn so much throughout their lives; life lessons that able-bodied people rarely get to experience.
Having a disability is definitely difficult, but it’s also one of the richest classrooms a human can experience, too. While these learning experiences are more profound experienced directly, there are some special tokens of wisdom we can pass along.