
Projects Culture
Joy of Europe 2011

01. October 2011. | Belgrade

Joy of Europe 2011

Topic 42nd meeting "Joy of Europe" of 2011, was the “If trees could walk”, by song title Grigor Vitez.

Panel People with Disabilities and Culture

23. December 2009. | Belgrade

Panel People with Disabilities and Culture

23 December 2009 organized by Hendi Center Coloseum held "Tribune People with Disabilities and culture". Moderators were actor and educator Marko Stojanović and Darko Ivić President Hendi Center Coloseum.

Ovde nedostaje opšti deo o Koloseumu kao promoteru kulture jer nije samo BOSIFEST deo kulrutnog rada ove organizacije već i brojne druge pojedinačne aktivnosti. Pobrojati i o svakoj po rečenicu šta je koloseum organizovao u prethodnom periodu

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