Regarding 3th december, International day of people with disabilities, at Library “Petar Kocic”, Vracar, were organized two significant programs under the slogan “ For life without barriers”.
Hendi Center Coloseum organized at the Library on december 7th projection od films that are dealing with life od people with disabilities, for eighth grade students that go to Primary School “Sveti Sava”. At the projection, there were shown two films- spanish animated film “Strings” by Pedro Solis Garcia and documentary film “Hendicap toi-meme” by Idriss Gabel from Belgium.
After the projections was held the interactiv workshop led by president of the hendi center Coloseum, Darko Ivic, where students expressed opinions about films that they saw, and about there’s experiences with people with disabilities. The aim of this program was to give young people point to the fact that people with disability should have the same human rights and equal participation at the society.
Librarians organized on 8th december, musical-film socializing, for users of Day Center for people with autism and Day Center for people with disabilities “Stari grad”. Because this users responded well on the music but also at visual projection, librarians decided to show musical sequences from the movies “Mary Poppins”, “Tarzan”, “Little Mermaid”, “Frozen”. Socializing was continued at the children’s department “Rastko”, where the users met the literature for children, and where few short stories and poems was read to them.