On pool


The direct beneficiaries of the project in which they are implemented workshops at the pool were persons with disabilities (PWD) - Stari Grad. The project comprised 40 people with disabilities from G.O. Stari Grad, both sexes.

The project is a concrete form of support of physical and mental health development of persons with disabilities (PWDs).

They included persons who due to the nature of its deficit are excluded from the program of physical education and healthcare. Given their situation (primarily the limitation of physical activity on the one hand, and intense physical development and the need for physical activity, on the other hand) Hendi Center Koloseum in cooperation with physical therapists from the Institute for Rehabilitation - Selters, include these people in the program of preventive corrective mode, this will be performed 2 times per week in a gym and at the pool divided in two groups for a period of 2hr.

Increased physical activity and a preventive corrective work directly affect the normal growth and development, strengthen the resistance of the organism and increases the overall functional capacity of these persons. Project activities had corrective preventive, recreational and entertaining character and greatly helped the process of socialization and integration of persons with disabilities in the wider social environment.

Implementation of the program lasted 2 months and all planned activities were implemented in cooperation with physical therapists from the Institute for Rehabilitation - Selters.

Underdevelopment of psychomotor development, general hypotonia, cognitive deficits in motor behavior and limited physical activity - are the main features of the motor behavior of the PWD. This situation leads to: (1) malfunctions and standstill to the general physical development, (2) limitation and deficits in motor behavior, (3) fall of general motor ability, and (4) certain physical deformities (functional and / or structural). All this is limiting motor activity of PWD and directly threatens their quality of life and health. Especially is endangered a group that is located at puberty (time intensive physical growth) and that it is excluded from a physical education and the health. In such a situation the proper physical development can be achieved only by continuous preventive corrective work. An increase in physical activity and a preventive corrective work directly affect the normal growth and development, strengthen the resistance of the organism and increases the overall functional ability.



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